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02/01/2021 PLEA 2020 Proceedings
According to the Publications Service of the University of A Coruña, the final version will be uploaded on the official UDC repository within the first week of 2021
A temporary link has been created to access the proceedings in the meantime.
SBSE PLEA scholarships have been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but the SBSE board has committed to providing funding for student authors. Please check back soon for details on the award process. LINK
29/07/2020 FAQ page added here
28/07//2020 Guidelines on recording presentations added here
26/07/2020 Keynote speakers to be announced this week
11/06/2020 PLEA 2020 Online
In view of the uncertain evolution of the current pandemic, the restrictions to international mobility and the ongoing risks associated to large events, the PLEA 2020 local Organising Committee has agreed, with the PLEA Board and the International Advisory Committee to celebrate the Conference online, during the same dates: 1-3 September 2020.
Therefore, PLEA 2020 will be an online Conference.
PLEA 2020 Conference online. Due to the persistent uncertainty of the COVID-19 crisis, the PLEA 2020 Organizing Committee is working on the necessary arrangements to move the Conference online. Consequently, we are calculating reduced registration fees to reflect the new situation. A detailed update will be announced within the next few days.
In memoriam Prof. Baruch Givoni (1920-2019)
Professor Baruch Givoni, a PLEA founding member and one of our most respected and prolific teachers and researchers has passed away. In Memory of Professor Baruch Givoni: plea-arch.org
20/04/2020 COVID-19
We understand there is a general concern due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Severe restrictions on mobility and travelling have been implemented worlwide following the protocols and guidelines established by the different national and international health agencies to prevent the spread of the virus. Spain is currently in what is technically called “State of Alarm”, which implies extended lockdown with few exceptions. This situation will continue at least until the 26th of April 2020, most likely it will be extended until the 9th of May. Depending on the evolution of the outbreak a gradual return to a “new normality” may be announced by the government in the next few weeks.
At this point in time it is impossible to ascertain whether international gatherings such as conferences will be permitted or even advisable in September 2020. As you may know models and predictions are being constantly adapted as the situation progresses and so does the global, national or local responses. We have observed that most of the international conferences that were scheduled for May or June have been either cancelled or postponed. However, those events scheduled for September remain unaffected at the moment, both in Spain and elsewhere.
The Organizing Committee will prioritize the safety and wellbeing of all PLEA 2020 delegates but we also wish to honour their work and efforts by responding to this rapidly changing situation in the most effective way possible. While we are preparing to celebrate PLEA 2020 as scheduled, we are also working on alternatives. If the Conference could not safely take place on the initial dates (1-4 September 2020) it will be postponed to a new date when conditions are 100% safe.
Due to the current uncertainty, we will extend the reception of full papers until the 11th of May. That is the deadline we have also established for a decision about the celebration or postponement of the Conference. Official de-escalation plans should have been published by then so that a more informed position can be taken.
Due to the exceptional circumstances derived from the ongoing spread of the COVID-19, the deadline for the full paper submission is extended until the 27th of April 2020.
Given the uncertain evolution of the pandemic we will plan additional measures, such options for not attending authors and/or remote presentations. We will provide regular updates through our website and email list from now on.